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May 2024
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Vocabulary explosion

I can’t believe how much Ryan’s language has grown in the past couple of months.  We’ve been signing with him and I think that’s really helped to improve his verbal skills, too.  Here’s a list of the words he signs:

more milk water eat please thank you you’re welcome all done bye-bye hi sorry [...]

The best day

We had such a great day today from start to finish.  The day began when I woke up at 7:15 to the sound of silence – Ryan had slept all night long!  I took advantage of my time alone to take a shower (ahhh!) before Ryan woke up at 8 and Nicky woke up [...]

First family sickness

We’re usually a pretty healthy crew around our house.  Ryan only got sick once, when he was 8 weeks old, and Nicky caught the same cold the next day.  Otherwise, Nicky’s only gotten sick a few times.

This past week, Ryan got a fever on Monday night when I got home from work, and [...]

Milestone explosion

It seems that this past week has been very busy for Ryan.  He’s been army-crawling around for at least a month or two now, but just in the past few days he’s started to crawl up on his hands and knees.  And, he could kind of pull himself up a couple of weeks ago; [...]

Big brother

Nicky has really shown us that he has a kind heart in many ways, several of which are how he treats Ryan.

When he fusses and I can’t tend to him immediately, Nicky will run over to try to calm him with toys or rub his belly.  As I got ready to get everyone [...]

More teeth

Ryan’s been up in the night more than usual lately, and this morning I found out why:  he has two more teeth on top!  Now he has four teeth on top and two on the bottom.  I’m so happy that my baby is growing up but a little bit sad to see that gummy [...]

Ryan’s 6-month pediatrician visit

We took our growing boy to see Dr. Shin this morning for a 6-month well-child visit.  He was 18 pounds, 12 ounces and 28 inches long!  (At his 6-month visit, Nicky was 19 pounds, 10 ounces and 28 and 1/2 inches long, so a little pudgier.)  Everything looks great for him – he’s rolling [...]

Teeth and raspberries

My little boy grew his VERY first tooth on Monday! It’s beautiful, and the second tooth is on its way, as well. I knew that Nicky would finish growing his teeth just in time for the new baby, and I was right!

Ryan also learned to blow raspberries today. So cute…he’s really entertained by [...]

New photo album

I created a new album last night in our gallery under Family called Winter 2010 and have added a bunch of recent photos.  Enjoy the photos of my handsome men!

Another first tooth!

This morning, when I changed Ryan’s diaper, I saw and felt his very first tooth!  It was just as amazing as when Nicky got his first tooth.  And, it explains a LOT of his behavior lately…not only the drooling and chewing on everything (even when he nurses!), but he has been extremely whiny the [...]