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May 2024
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First Visit

So, the cat’s pretty much out of the bag now…I’m pregnant! Eight weeks and two days today and we went to the first OB/GYN visit. It was pretty uneventful if you ask me…because we’ve been using babycenter.com since we found out a couple of weeks ago, we already knew that the due date is August 15th. The doctor gave me a quick exam and said that my uterus is growing and that I should be able to support having a baby just fine. We talked about genetic testing and bloodwork that I’ve got to get done, so I’ll go sometime next week for that. Lastly, the nurse gave me a flu shot since I didn’t get one yet but my doctor recommended it.

Now, I’m home again trying not to be nauseous all the time. All the references say lots of small meals, starchy foods and things with ginger. I’m trying to do all of those things, but this week has not been great…I’ve puked three times so far. I’ll have Chuck install some sort of a barf-o-meter for those of you strange enough to want to keep track of that sort of thing.

Overall, I’m really happy and excited to be having Chuck’s baby; I’m just hoping the nausea goes away quickly so we can enjoy this time!

Off for now…it’s almost time to eat again!

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